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Programming/Linux Tip

Get root authority on Android-L on Nexus5, step by step

참조 : http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/root-android-l-developer-preview-nexus-5-nexus-7-2013-patched-supersu-1454567

I will explain how to get root authority of android-L on Nexus5, step by step.

First of all, If you want to know how to install android-L in my phone, Plz refer to this page.


1. download TWRP Recovery binary.

url : https://mega.co.nz/#!Xd9VHAbD!LPe7_CZYWIguxGvtnJpZ-2-mhIFqFQuRNG7RyIk22Bg

attach : 



2. un-compress file.

3. press volume down and power key same time and go to download mode.

4. connect phone with PC via micro usb cable.

5. download superSU file

link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/sxtpct6p3of6zk3/SuperSU-v2.00_for_Android_L.zip

attach : 


6. download boot image

link : http://downloads.codefi.re/savoca/hammerhead/boot.zip

attach : 

7. perform this command

cd Nexus-5-twrp-recovery-installer

chmod 777 1-click-twrp-recovery-installer.bat


If this command didn't work and meet error message.

Plz use this command.

fastboot devices

fastboot flash recovery openrecovery-twrp-

fastboot reboot
