
linux kernel 2.6.32 - 2.6.35 change list

decdream 2010. 8. 9. 20:05

Linux 2 6 33

Linux 2.6.33 has been released on February 24th, 2010.

Summary: This version features Nouveau (a reverse-engineered driver for Nvidia graphic cards), Nintendo Wii and Gamecube support, DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device), a security extension for TCP called "cookie transactions", a syscall for batching recvmsg() calls, several new perf subcommands (perf probe, perf bench, perf kmem, perf diff), support for cache compression, Xen PV-on-HVM support, drivers for virtual network and graphic cards from VMWare, swappable KSM pages, and many new drivers and many small improvements and bugfixes

  1. Prominent features (the cool stuff)
    1. Nouveau, a driver for Nvidia graphic cards
    2. DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device)
    3. Perf improvements: perf probe, perk kmem, perf bench, perf diff, perf perl scripts and filters
      1. 2.6.31에서부터 진행되었던Debugging tool, Perf 의 기능이 향상되었습니다.
    4. recvmmsg(), a syscall for batching recvmsg() calls
      1. 새로운 socket API recvmmsg() define 되었습니다.
    5. TCP Cookie Transactions
    6. Support for Xen PV-on-HVM guests
    7. Swappable KSM pages
      1. KSM(kernel Samepage Merging) 2.6.32 에서는 swap 을 지원하지 못하였지만 이 버전부터 swap 을 사용할 수 있습니다.
    8. Block IO Controller
      1. Cgroup 단위 별로 그룹별로 Block IO control 할 수 있습니다.(Band width ..)
    9. Compcache: memory compressed swapping
      1. RAM-based Block Device(/dev/ramzswapX) 를 만들어서 Swap page를 압축하여  저장합니다.
    10. Graphic improvements
    11. Nintendo Wii and Gamecube support
    12. VMware drivers
    13. Reiserfs de-BKLification
    14. Android removed from the Linux kernel
      1. Linux kernel open source 에서 Android feature 가 빠졌습니다.


Linux 2 6 34

Linux 2.6.34 has been released on 16 May, 2010.

Summary: This version adds two new filesystem, the distributed filesystem Ceph and LogFS, a filesystem for flash devices. Other features are a driver for almost-native KVM network performance, the VMware ballon driver, the "kprobes jump" optimization for dynamic probes, new perf features (the "perf lock" tool, cross-platform analysis support), support for GPU switching, several Btrfs improvements, RCU lockdep, Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (RFC 5082) and private VLAN proxy arp (RFC 3069) support, asynchronous suspend/resume, several new drivers and many other small improvements.

  1. Prominent features (the cool stuff)
    1. Ceph filesystem
    2. LogFS
      1. LogFS filesystem 은 대용량 flash memory에 특화된 file system 입니다. JFFS2와 비교해서 더 빠른 성능을 가집니다.
    3. Vhost net: fast KVM networking
    4. Btrfs updates
    5. Kprobes jump optimization
      1. Kprobes x86에서는 b.p 용도로도 효율적으로 사용되고 있습니다. 이번 버전에서는 hit task 속도가 크게 향상되었습니다.
    6. perf improvements, perf lock
      1. Perf 기능 향상 – lock statistics, cross platform, etc
    7. RCU lockdep
      1. RCU dereference 에 대해서 lockdep style check 합니다.
    8. Generalized TTL Security Mechanism and private VLAN proxy arp support
    9. Asynchronous suspend/resume
      1. PM 에서 async suspend/resume 를 지원해서 각 device 에서 이를 사용할 수 있습니다.
    10. GPU switching
    11. Preliminary Radeon Evergreen (Radeon HD 5xxx)
    12. VMware ballon driver






Linux 2 6 35

Linux 2.6.35 has been released on 1 Aug, 2010.

Summary: Linux 2.6.35 includes support for transparent spreading of incoming network load across CPUs, Direct-IO support for Btrfs, an new experimental journal mode for XFS, the KDB debugger UI based on top of KGDB, improvements to 'perf', H.264 and VC1 video acceleration in Intel G45+ chips, support for the future Intel Cougarpoint graphic chip, power management for AMD Radeon chips, a memory defragmentation mechanism, support for the Tunneling Protocol version 3 (RFC 3931), support for multiple multicast route tables, support for the CAIF protocol used by ST-Ericsson products, support for the ACPI Platform Error Interface, and many new drivers and small improvements.

Note: Details on architecture-specific and driver changes have been moved to this page: Linux_2_6_35-DriversArch

  1. Prominent features (the cool stuff)
    1. Transparent spreading of incoming network traffic load across CPUs
    2. Btrfs improvements
    3. XFS Delayed logging
    4. KDB kernel debugger frontend
      1. KDB kgdb interface 에서도 사용 가능하다.
    5. perf improvements
      1. Recode & Report command 동시 사용 가능
      2. Struct data 표시
      3. etc
    6. Graphic improvements
    7. Memory compaction
      1. Memory compaction 은 커다란 memory 를 잡을 때 외부 단편화를 줄여줍니다.
    8. Support for multiple multicast route tables
      1. 기존에는 multicast route user space daemon 만이 수행할 수 있었으나 kernel layer에도 유사한 기능이 추가되었습니다.
    9. L2TP Version 3 (RFC 3931) support
    10. CAIF Protocol support
    11. ACPI Platform Error Interface support